Image may contain: Photo, Photography, Portrait, Smile, Phone, Electronics, Indoors, Interior Design, Clothing, Apparel, Teen, Woman, Blonde, Child, Kid, Girl, Female, Face, Person, Human

Newcastle’s Fittest Fresher: The girls, round three

The final heat

This is it, we're at the end of the rounds. You've had rounds one and two, here are the final girls.

As always, head to our Insta story to give them a follow.


Image may contain: Finger, Indoors, Interior Design, Mobile Phone, Phone, Electronics, Cell Phone, Human, Person

From: Hong Kong

Halls: Park View

Weird fact about yourself: I know all ABBA songs off by heart

Best chat up line you've ever used: "What’s your favourite toastie?"

Perfect date: Cat Café and Swingers after

Current relationship status: Single


Image may contain: Bush, Outdoors, Photo, Photography, Portrait, Tree, Vegetation, Plant, Girl, Kid, Child, Blonde, Teen, Woman, Smile, Face, Clothing, Apparel, Dress, Human, Person, Female

From: London

Halls: Castle Leazes

Weird fact about yourself: Got a tattoo of a penguin called Johnnie

Best chat up line you've ever used: "If you buy me Munchies I'll sleep with you"

Perfect date: Greggs

Current relationship status: Still going to lectures just so I can tap something


Image may contain: Face, Grass, Plant, Human, Female, Child, Woman, Girl, Kid, Person, Teen, Blonde

From: Bulgaria

Halls: Park View

Weird fact about yourself: I have better fighting skills than most guys

Best chat up line you've ever used: "If a fat man puts you in a bag at night, don't worry I told Santa I wanted you for Christmas"

Perfect date: I show up and the bed is laid out with chocolates

Current relationship status: Long distance relationship


Image may contain: Teen, Child, Blonde, Woman, Kid, Girl, Glass, Beer, Face, Alcohol, Female, Drinking, Drink, Beverage, Person, Human

From: Doncaster

Halls: Portland Green Student Village

Weird fact about yourself: Big Cook from Big Cook Little Cook taught me geography at secondary school

Best chat up line you've ever used: "Yo, I'm Darcy, fresh creps bro"

Perfect date: Going somewhere on an adventure – biking or hiking

Current relationship status: Seeing someone

Keep your eyes open for the semi-finals COMING SOON.