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Talking at UoB today, Jacob Rees Mogg spoke about supporting welfare cuts and tuition fees

Surprisingly, there was no riot

This afternoon, MP Jacob Rees Mogg delivered a talk to around 300 students at the University of Birmingham.

The backbench MP spoke about a number of topics including the importance of free speech, his voting record on welfare and tuition fees.

The demand for justification regarding Mogg's position on the welfare state was met with loud applause from the audience. He said: "the best solution to poverty is employment and spending on welfare should be directed towards unemployment instead."

Between 2012-2016, Mogg has voted 52 times in favour for a reduction in spending on welfare benefits.

Moggs is also in favour of student tuition fees. He likened the student to the customer, explaining that students would have the right to complain about the standard of their tuition and their university experience.

His voting record boasts a five vote streak in favour of university tuition fees between 2010-2017.

Mogg's speech concluded with a discussion on free speech. Criticising the use of safe spaces in Universities, Mogg claimed "everyone deserves the opportunity to express their view of the world and until that speech became fascist it should not be stunted."

Image may contain: Walking, Leisure Activities, Person, People, Human

Protesters outside that Mr Mogg encourages

On the topic of overseas investment, Mogg criticised the current government for "spending" on infrastructure that will not profit a return.

Mogg's views are controversial, but given the tendency for Conservative politicians to ignore the youth, opening up the floor to debate with students is something that should be commended.