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The third year English Lit student smashed the final with 40% of the votes
You’ve voted in your thousands, and here are your three fit finalists
Sounds purrrrrrrfect
Searching for the fittest of the fit
Let’s be grateful for those killer genes
Does anyone even know his name?
An eyewitness said they were carrying ‘something that resembled a sex doll’
The top ten were over 30 per cent
His death is not thought to be suspicious
More immersive than 3D Fifty Shades
Lack of funding could hit student services
Apparently only 63 per cent of straight women orgasm during sex
I’ll finally be able to get on the machines
The vote came in response to Matthew Hedges’ sentencing
Not one. single. person
The council claims it is the ‘most challenging period’
How much do you bet most of those were in Selly?
They claimed social media is a ‘public source of information’
Classic saving seats gone wrong
A suspicious package was left in the library
All aboard the Selly Express
The suspension came after the death of a 19-year old man
Members felt ‘ostracised’ after other cheerleaders used the n-word
Become a bnoc in your sleep
No sausage rollercoaster for Birmingham
Residents are demanding compensation
All six do not work full time either
Surprisingly, there was no riot
We miss you old friend
Show off your salt bae skills
Because who has time for anything else?
Here it is, this year’s dissertation pic round up
Getting a 2:2 and not having to worry about it