Free periods! SU to scrap tampon tax

About bloody time

After a lengthy spell of six months, the student council at Newcastle Uni have finally approved the “Free Periods” motion.

The SU shop vows to slash the 5% tax on menstrual care products and free tampons and pads will be soon be available from certain points on campus.

The Student Union will begin working towards cheaper menstrual products, with the aim of it being free one day.

Yes, it’s true. The tax on menstrual care has finally been discharged. Get in.

A new emerging, gynocentric campaign is finally underway!

There’s been a wide flow of approval from various Newcastle students who were happy to show their support.

Grace Robinson said: “I hate parting with my money for tampons. A box of regular Tampax Pearls cost £5.49 to buy in Tesco – that’s just one penny short of the price of two trebles and a jägerbomb in Soho Rooms.”

Zane Youseff, first year Combined Honours, said: “It’s unfair enough how you have to bleed every month, let alone have it drain your bank account” –

Jess Roberts, first year Modern languages said: “Taxes on tampons are bloody annoying — excuse the pun.” 

Juno Anderson, first year Geography, said: “This is a great idea.”

Antonia Cundy, first year English Lit, said: “The idea of free tampons and pads is going a bit far – that would be like handing out free razors to guys and free toothbrushes to everyone, because gribbly beards and stinky breath is just as unacceptable as bleeding all over the place – but they definitely shouldn’t be classed as luxury items”

Lucy Dennis, 1st year Urban Planning said: “It’s about time tampons were cheaper, more money to spend on things I actually want to spend money on.”

Rosie HB, first year Fine Art, said: “That’s fucking brilliant.”

More money for fancy shampoo

FemSoc president Lucy Neely Morgan said: “Free tampons and pads will be available from points which have yet to be decided.

“In addition to this the menstrual care items sold in the union shop will be sold at cost price so the union makes no profit on them. #

“This is to protest against the luxury tax placed on menstrual care items.

“We’d like to thank all the students who helped us during the campaign and to everyone nationwide who signed the Free Periods @ NUSU petition.”