Banned Lines

Students’ Union bans Blurred Lines for Freshers events

Officers and the University of Leicester Students’ Union have decided to ban Robin Thicke’s hit song from being played at the Union during Freshers’ events.

The University Feminist Society were able to share an email from Students’ Union executives stating that the song would be banned during Freshers’ events. A decision will be made as to whether the song will be permanently banned when the Union Council vote on the matter at their meeting at the start of November.

The reasoning behind the decision relates to the ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy of the Students’ Union to any form of harassment, whether sexual or not.

The Feminist Society hope that the move will lead to the Union taking the policy more seriously, leading to an environment where misogyny and sexual harassment are removed from life on campus.

As Channel 4 prepare to film the lives of a group of freshers over the first semester, the Students’ Union is looking to give off all the right signals to those who will be watch the documentary next June. As a result they will likely be sticking tightly to all of their policies, zero tolerance included, otherwise people may start to doubt their dedication to the policies they claim to uphold.