Clubbers of the week Episode IV: A New President

Make Lancaster Funny Again

If you think about all the cleanup scheduled after the American riots, Trump’s not even President yet and he’s already creating jobs. With JCR nominations around the corner, all I hope for is a guy who won’t get my life threatened in Sugar for admitting I support him. No one enjoys looking over their shoulder every other beat of the same five Drake songs they have on.

Straight gangsta of the week

Talk to the hand coz the face ain’t listening, girlfriend!

Friends with benefits of the week

Child benefits

Flatcap of the week

Who needs a suit when you’re stylish af?

Bad breath of the week

“And for our next trick, we will make girls… disappear!”

Multicultural Collective of the week

What, are you trying to survive The Walking Dead?

‘Urban’ Badass of the week

Don’t cut yourself on all that edge

Photobomb of the week

With a face like that, you deserve to be in the background of every picture you’re in

Lady and the Tramp of the week

Wag and the world wags with you. Howl, and they throw you in Hustle

Mandy Trip of the week

My nipples feel like little clitorises

‘Low-Maintainance’ girl of the week

She’s a keeper

White girl wasted white girl of the week

High on pumpkin spice

Dr Who of the week

Hustle does look bigger on the inside…

Photo Credit to The Lancaster Photographer