Take this quiz to find out if you’re more of a Bute or Roath Park kind of person

you can only be one, soz

Do you grab a drink for your daily natter? Pop to the shops on your walk back? These are the serious questions that decide your fate as a Roath or Bute Park go-er. With lockdown never-ending and the spring sun starting to shine, Cardiff students are taking over every walking route you could possibly imagine. Whether you’re a fresher or a Master’s student milking your uni experience, there’s a lot your walk preferences can reveal.

You may think you’re neutral in the Bute or Roath debate, well you’re not. This quiz is going to reveal the true answers, and we can’t pretend that getting the wrong answer won’t cause some serious debates amongst housemates. Your result determines what type of person you are. And you won’t be able to sleep at night until you find the answer.

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