Baby Reindeer behind the scenes pics

All the best vibey behind the scenes pictures shared by the cast of Baby Reindeer

Love them so much

When filming Baby Reindeer for Netflix, I’m not sure any of this cast truly could foresee how much of a global phenomenon the show would become – with it now on track to sit right near the top of the most watched shows the streaming platform has ever released. It’s insane how huge it’s got, and now the cast have been sharing behind the scenes pictures from the making of the show on their social media platforms, so here’s a rundown of all the best behind the scenes Baby Reindeer pics we’ve seen so far!

Richard Gadd and Jessica Gunning just vibing between takes


Gadd said this shot is his favourite picture taken from set!

Making TV is serious business you guys


Nah even seeing that red light is triggering me after the traumatic episode four


Some celebratory beers with the crew of Baby Reindeer


Literally my life’s goal is to snap one of these shut for real


God I bet they had such a good time filming Baby Reindeer

Baby Reindeer behind the scenes pics


The boss and the barman have a better friendship in real life it seems!

Baby Reindeer behind the scenes pics


The pub lads!!!! Dunno why this was taken on a potato but it’s absolute vibes nonetheless

Baby Reindeer behind the scenes pics


Baby Reindeer is available on Netflix now. For all the latest and freshest Netflix news, drops, quizzes and memes and for more like this rundown of all the best behind the scenes pics from Baby Reindeer, like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook. 

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