Oxford Professors to be Frozen

3 Oxford professors are to have their bodies frozen after they die

Being frozen after you die is right up there with the coolest things in the world.

Shitty puns aside, three of our professors are genuinely doing this.  All are paying one of those companies that you wish you dreamt up £50,000 to place them in a freezer until a later date when someone, or something, may be able to restore them to their tutorial-giving best.

Professor of philosophy Nick Bostrom hopes to travel forward through time with his fellow reachers Dr. Anders Sandberg and Dr. Stuart Armstrong in search of everlasting life for mankin- err, sorry, themselves.

Just some tutors

Bostrom told the Daily Mail, ‘Look back at what has happened over the past 100 years, how many features of today’s world somebody from 1913 would have failed to anticipate.’

George Orwell, PRISM and the NSA aside, that is.

‘The more uncertain you are about the future,’ he continued, ‘the more it makes sense to keep your options alive.’

Sandberg and Bostrom have only signed their heads up for the process, discarding their folorn bodies in the hope of living through other people or even computers, whilst Armstrong has decided to throw everything in with the oven pizzas.

It’s well known in cryogenical freezing circles (yep) that Simon Cowell is signed up for a similar process, though the idea of anyone actually choosing to bring him back is pretty laughable.

Ignorance is strength

Whether or not Simon makes it we can be safe in the knowledge that our far descendants may be tutored by a 90 year old, soulless head which has been frozen for a thousand years.

Then we’ll see whether Cambridge still tops the league tables.