Red Bull Gives You Things

Crates of Red Bull are mysteriously appearing across the city.

Whilst the drinks may not be able to make you fly, strange things are landing in Oxford…

On an aimless morning cycle ride, first year medic James Boyce noticed something strange next to the RadCam. The cobblestones had a new feature:  a crate.

On further inspection, he found that the crate was full of RedBull.

Red Bull cr(e)ate confusion

Boyce commented, “Initially flummoxed…we soon grabbed the biggest bags we could find and stocked up.”

The Tab has spotted at least 3 crates today alone, all seemingly parachuted in from the dark skies above Hassan’s.

Whether or not they were delivered by a small truck or by helicopter remains controversial, but it is clear that RedBull are keen to win the hearts and minds of Oxford’s students.

The company, famous for their sponsorship of  daredevil Felix Baumgartner, are remaining tight-lipped on their website, only telling us that each crate has 1,000 cans inside it.

A crate find

The Tab promises to keep you updated on any crate sightings in the near future.