CCTV vs. FemSoc – Round Two

Keep the diesel flowing and the fancy dress themes coming. Sign our petition to support CCTV.


Newcastle University Student night , CCTV, was recently slammed for depicting girls in an ‘oversexualised’ manner in promotional pictures and videos.

FemSoc members complained in particular about the booth,  stating that it “shows girls in a derogatory manner”.

Everyone knows that CCTV is a night where caution is thrown to the wind. So why is there such an emphasis on girls and their degradation? In reality, both men and women willingly ‘degrade’ themselves on a regular basis in Newcastle.

Even the so called ‘victims’  are adamantly defending CCTV, especially the girls who work there. One girl told The Tab: “we are at work, so we aren’t getting blind drunk unlike a lot of the lads that enter the booth.  We don’t feel remotely objectified!”

Everyone has freedom of choice to do whatever they want in the booth. People certainly aren’t forced to act in any way.

Last week CCTV launched their petition, gaining just over 300 signatures in one evening.The event has now created an online petition to counter argue against the FemSoc.

If you’re a lover of CCTV and don’t want to see it ruined over a complete non-issue,  you can join the petition online here: