Tell us about your deadline season and we’ll decide your role in the flat Christmas dinner

It’s the most wonderful (stressful) time of the year

As Michaelmas term draws to a close, the coursework deadlines students have been ignoring for weeks are slowly creeping up on us. And if getting yourself to the library to study wasn’t already hard enough, we are now surrounded by festive distractions, in the name of college Winter Balls, plans to go Ice Skating in Dalton Square, and the on-campus Christmas markets.

One key event which comes to the mind of Lancaster students every year is the attempt to organise and cook a somewhat edible Christmas dinner with your flatmates. A colossal task, often ending in disaster, but it’s truly a rite of passage as a uni student.

There are many different roles in a task such as this: the one who organises the whole thing and almost cries the second something goes wrong, the one who is only there for the drinks and the dancing afterwards, and the one who turns up late and misses the whole thing. So which one will you be? Take our quiz to find out!


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