Quiz: Plan a Lancs night out and we’ll tell you Christmas drink you are

You’ve got to get through the festive period somehow

Drinking. For better or for worse, it’s a staple of uni nights out, Christmas, and British culture in general. While alcohol is in no way necessary for a good night out, it can be a fun in moderation with certain Yuletide beverages being surefire ways of putting you in a festive mood.

With it being the season for society socials, Christmas parties, and family gatherings, it’s a good time to stop and consider which Christmas drink best-encapsulates you. Fortunately, we’ve devised a handy quiz to determine this.

If you’d prefer to ponder drinks of the coffee persuasion, take our quiz all about which festive Costa drink to order based on how far behind on work you are.

Do you have a social coming up? Has the question of which Christmas drink you are been at the forefront of your mind for days? Or are you simply looking to procrastinate instead of writing your essay? Whatever the case, this quiz will be the solution.

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