ASSL security will move your belongings if left for over an hour

They are kept behind the enquiry desk

The ASSL have started removing personal possessions from unattended work spaces if left unreserved for over an hour.

Security reminds us of how we have ‘agreed not to reserve unattended places’. Removed possessions can then be picked up from the enquiry desk on the ground floor.

A note will be left if unattended belongings are removed

Lucy, a third year English Language student, had her Macbook, revision notes and bag removed after been away from her desk for over an hour.

She said: “I was most annoyed that when I went to pick up my laptop and work from the front desk no security questions were asked.”

Lucy’s friend asked if the belongings could be kept in her possession under the desk instead, but this request was denied by security.

“It would’ve been much safer in the hands of someone I know, rather than someone I don’t know.”