The 10 people you’ll date before you graduate

Life’s all about trying different things right? Here’s the 10 people you will end up dating whilst ‘trying different things’ at uni.


1. The online date

ca-ching or catfish?!

With the rise of Tinder online dating has transformed from something desperate old men do to find love during their midlife crisis to something that’s actually socially acceptable for young people to do in modern culture. Just make sure you don’t mistake them for their friend in their Tinder photo. That could make for an awkward date when you meet your real, disappointing Tinder lover.


2. The drunken mistake

Says it all… gotta love alcohol!

You’ve given out your number when drunk… it seemed like a great idea at the time.  Until they decide to follow up the promise you made to “definitely meet up with them” the next day. They’re friends with your mate, your mates will think you’re a horrible person if you don’t keep the promise you made when you couldn’t stand up straight without feeling nauseous. One date couldn’t hurt right? What did they look like again?


3. The textaholic

Running out of topics to talk about! *searches google*

They’re perfect in every way, you get along great. Then one day at 8:15am “Good morning babe” aww that’s sweet… right? You reply back… they text all day at 5 minute intervals. Are they ever away from their phone?? 2 weeks later they cycle is still ongoing and you’re exhausted. You have nothing else to talk about with them but the weather. This has to end.


4. The self-obsessed one

You pulled the hot girl or guy, result! You can’t stop staring at them, theyre just so… perfect. Pity they can’t stop looking at themselves either… you try to hide the mirrors so they’ll spend a bit of time with you, but they always seem to find some sort of reflective surface- cutlery, shop windows, their phone screen… you name it, they’re checking their hair out in it.


5.The fitness freak

Exercising themselves and our will power.

They’ve got a great body, but they spend more time touching gym equipment than they do touching you! You feel a bit paranoid in comparison to how fit they are… the only time you run is when you’re running away from something. Time to run away from them.

6. The overemotional one

Give her 10 minutes… she’ll be fine!

At first they seem absolutely fine. You kind of like them so you agree to meet up with them more often. Then one day they’re in such a bad mood with you for no apparent reason… what is their problem?! You meet up with them again, ready to argue… but they’re in a great mood! They bring you your favourite food and they act like the person you always wanted to be with. They switch back and forth between Jekyll and Hyde until you can’t take anymore.

7. The clingy person

Clearly one-sided…

They’re hot, funny, sweet but unfortunately incredibly insecure. You think this is endearing… until they decide to smother you every time you give them attention. They turn up at your house uninvited, they post hearts on your Facebook wall, they never let go of your hand when you’re with them. They also can’t understand why you didn’t want to be with them anymore. Solitude is bliss.

8. The detached person

“Did you just call yourself my boyfriend?! Ahem no.”

They’re a great person, you can hold a conversation with them easily… pity they take 2 hours to reply to your text messages. They don’t want to put a label on things, they’re too cool to acknowledge you on nights out and they don’t want to hold your hand in public because they think it’s cheesy… and God forbid anyone actually know you’re going out.


9. The sex addict

“What do you say to ditching these drinks and coming back to mine?!” *slips cardigan off shoulder*

They’re really hot, and in the heat of the moment (on the second date) you give in and have sex with them. It’s earth-shatteringly good. You arrange for another date to get to know them better… and end up in bed with them again… 2 weeks later you’re actually getting sick of sex (which you never thought would happen) and you can’t remember what they look like with clothes on anymore… also you don’t know that much about them other than they like it when you pull their hair.

10. The posh one

What happens when you bring them to McDonalds… shortly before the chavs begin hurling abuse at you.

They’re rich… your parents would approve of them. You could live a comfortable life with them if you could only be happy with them. They attempt to have conversations with you about famous literature and classical music that you’ve never heard of before, which is commonplace to them because of their private school upbringing.

They think the not-so-posh parts of your accent are hilarious but you just find it slightly intimidating. You feel like a complete tramp compared to them and you’ll never be able to afford to dress as well as them. You haven’t mentioned to them that your top they love is from Primark… just in case they judge you for it.

Probably best to leave this one, they’re way too intimidating for you and their parents would probably hate you anyway.