T-R-E-N-T: Our guide to the best varsity chants

Rather be a poly


You can shove your sister’s pony up your arse


Alternatively, they could shove their daddy’s wallet up their arse. Either is good, and they’ve got plenty of both.

T-R-E-N-T, we are the Trent army

The old classic gets the crowd going and shows up just how shit Beeston’s support is. It’s not the most imaginative, but it’s far better than UUUNAAAAAY!

Can you hear the uni sing, I CAN’T HEAR A FUCKING THING

It has eternally ‘all gone quiet over there’. They might be attending a better uni, but they are very very boring when it comes to varsity.

Shoes off, if you go Trent

Because we’re not a bunch of prudes and we know how to have fun, we take our shoes off.

I’d rather have a wank than read a book

Let’s face it. You would. Fuck it, you probably do already. Who needs a degree anyway.

I’d rather be a poly than a cunt

We haven’t been a poly for years. On the other hand, they have and always will be the latter. Well, at varsity anyway.

You look like sausages

Says it all