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Someone has made a book of East Slope photos

Viva la East Slope

Just when we thought we had said our goodbyes, East Slope lives on eternally in the form of a book.

Immortalizing the rather grotty accommodation and those who live there, "The East Slope Photography Project" captures the spirit of the beloved bar and halls.

Image may contain: Person, People, Human

Speaking to the creator of the book, Zofia Dawes (one of the final residents of the halls), she told The Tab Sussex: "I originally decided to photograph East Slope because I really enjoyed it's unique atmosphere."

Image may contain: Bench, Brick, Person, People, Human

The project had a unique conception, as Zofia tells us: "I started the project by making a bunch of leaflets which where purposely made to look like an eviction letter in relation to the fact that soon we would all be evicted. I also thought it was quite a funny way to capture peoples attention."

Image may contain: Vine, Plant, Flora, Brick, Person, People, Human

"After knocking on people's doors and asking people if they wanted to be involved, I made a list of the people that wanted to be included and started visiting the houses. I would often go round East Slope once a day for a period of 2 months and capture the daily life of East slope.

"This was very exciting for me as I was able to talk to a lot of people who where very grateful to what I was doing because quite a lot of us where sad to see East Slope go."

Image may contain: Face, Dimples, Woman, Girl, Female, Blonde, Person, People, HumanImage may contain: Brick, Fence

The book can be purchased by contacting the Facebook page – but be quick, there's only 37 copies.