Come and take a peek at the clubbers of the week

These are the hottest clubbers in the UK right now

It’s only that bloody time again – we’ve compiled the best clubbers in the UK for your viewing pleasure.

So kick back, crack open a brewski, and feast your eyes on this rowdy lot.

Most woefully missed punch of the week

This’ll teach you for stealing my boyfriends

Best ventriloquist of the week

How is she controlling all three at once!?

Best photo of a man holding up all of his invisible shopping bags

Look at how much shopping he doesn’t have!

Wow, the budget for Animorphs isn’t what it used to be

This is what happens when you cut funding for the BBC

Ever walked in on your parents doing this?

Oh hello son, we weren’t expecting you home so early

BONUS GAME: Spot the clubber

Tune in later for the answer…

Exam invigilator of the week

Calculators face down on the floor, please

Jesus Christ how are these two so good looking

I’ve literally had Bumble for three weeks and no-one has matched me

Best drink steal of the week

My secondary snakebite!

I will fold my arms like the humans do

None of them will suspect a thing

I’ve been waiting for you, Obi-Wan

When I left you, I was but the learner – now I am the master

This unicorn has just been in a fierce battle

Those horns are real good for goring

When someone throws a dart into your mouth

Coming out of my cage and I’ve been feeling just fi-AAAARGGGH

The guy who edits these club photos is a bully

We think you look great

When the barber fucks up so you try and glue the hair back on

Crisis averted

BONUS ANSWER: Did you spot the clubber?

He was here!

When your boyfriend is being a massive blue bean bag

Simon ALWAYS does this

This guy’s going to include us in clubbers of the week, isn’t he?
