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Uber is offering free rides for disabled customers so they can vote on Thursday

They announced this morning via an email

This Thursday Uber is offering free rides for all of their "Access" or "Assist" customers to help them get to and from polling stations so they can vote in the general election.

In an email to customers, Uber stated: "For this Thursday's General Election, Uber will be offering free rides to our Access and Assist riders to and from polling stations in partnership with a number of leading disability organisations."

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Adding to this, Uber's partnership with external organisations was reaffirmed.

"Together with Scope, Whizz-Kidz, Transport for All and a number of local organisations, Uber is helping ensure everyone can cast their vote."

The move is one which celebrates Uber's commitment to everybody being able to vote, following the firms decision to do so in the 2018 local elections too.

Uber is a beloved recipient of a solid 40 per cent of student loans across the country, and for this we salute you.

So don't forget to go out and exercise your democratic right this Thursday!