Here’s how you can make the most of LGBTQ+ History month at Newcastle and Northumbria Universities
There’s still loads of events going on in the last week
LGBTQ+ History month takes place every February and celebrates the fantastic progress which we have made in achieving freedom for the Queer community.
Pride and events such as LGBTQ+ History month are times when we can come together and celebrate who we are or to stand in solidarity and support those on campus who identify as LGBTQ+.
In the true spirit of LGBTQ+ History month, both Newcastle University and Northumbria University are standing in solidarity with Queer students. So if you've wondered why the Pride flag is outside the Armstrong building or dashed all over Habita – this is why!
Whilst LGBTQ+ History month will soon be drawing to a close, we've gathered together a list of all the events remaining between both universities.
Newcastle University
Celebrating LGBT+ Research at NU – Wednesday 27th February
Celebrating Research does exactly what it says on the tin – academics from Newcastle University will be leading a panel-style event, answering your questions as students with regards to LGBTQ+ related research. Whether there are some questions you may have, or perhaps you're beginning to scratch together ideas for your inevitable dissertation, this event could be the best way for you to see the role which LGBTQ+ research is currently playing in academia.
LGBT+ at work and the Rainbow Network: A bitesize session – Thursday 28th February
For many members of the LGBTQ+ community, being out in work is an issue which can create great anxiety, especially in sectors such as healthcare and education. This session is with the Newcastle University Rainbow Network and will feature a panel of faculty staff and academics who openly identify as Queer across the Newcastle University team, sharing a light on what it means to them to be out in the workplace.
Northumbria University
A number of events will be taking place across campus to celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month and information of which can be accessed via your Student Portal or via the Northumbria University website.
Events include speakers such as Chief of Staff for GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Northumbria alumni, Cat Hudson. Cat is a prominent figure within the GSK leadership panel and was recently ranked 9th by Financial Times in their category of future global leaders from the LGBTQ+ community.
Other speakers include, Dr. Phillippa Scrafton, a Northumbria PhD alumni and Stonewall champion. Stonewall are one of the most influential organisations in the UK, who aim to combat everyday homophobia and transphobia and who work very closely with young people and people in education, to better their welfare.
Researchers Cameron Giles, Dr. Sen Raj (Keele University) and head of Governance at Northumbria University and Adam Dawkins will also be speaking throughout LGBTQ+ History month at Northumbria University.
So why not show your support for the LGBTQ+ community this month by educating yourself on why Queer history is such an important facet of contemporary History and Politics alike.