Your childish email address could stop you landing a job

We all had one

national noad

After nailing countless personal statements, online tests and interviews, it could be your cringe childhood email that’s hindering your chances of landing your first job.

Cute and humorous email addresses were once the clever and cool thing to do – but having kisses and underscores in your email turns employers off.

A study from VU University in Amsterdam found employers favoured applicants with formal email addresses over candidates with “cute” contact details.

They created fictional CVs, containing an array of colourful email addresses and spelling mistakes, then compared the results to more professional looking applications. They then asked potential employers to asses the applicants based on cognitive ability, personality and employability.

The study said: “In summary, the results showed that when writing a résumé, it is important to use a formal e-mail address.”

Gillian Wood, Director at luxury good company Moët Hennessy, said: “For me it can show signs of unprofessionalism and immaturity, not exactly what you want in the work place.

“Why put yourself at a disadvantage when there is currently so much competition out there?”

Amandine Dubois, International Product Development Coordinator at Burberry, said: “This is the first detail that gives you an idea of the person, as we say, ‘You never get a second chance to make a first impression’.

“When I receive an application I look at the mail address, and I Google candidates to see their LinkedIn profile but also often happen to see their Facebook account.

“I would recommend to create a specific address for work, not using the same one as you did when you were 13.”

Eve Marlow, owner of z_i_g_g_y_p_i_g_g_y@hotmail, said: “I am very proud of my old email. Although it always proved quite a long process when handing out my msn address to people in year 5.”