It’s Made in Jesmond

Get ready to squeam

| UPDATED jesmond made in jesmond

MiJ is here and my God, it’s cringeworthy.

In their own words: “A reality television series following the lives of young student socialites at Newcastle University who, following their year in Castle Leazes, have moved to the wealthy district of Jesmond.

“The show focuses on their demanding lifestyles and highlights the constant strains of having to balance work and play at university.”

Granted there are some amusing parts but we couldn’t help but notice that the humour was a last ditch attempt to salvage any dignity.

Watch the full episode here:

The highest rated comment on the episode is unfortunately typical of what the student buzz sounds like:

The trailer is a straightforward drama in the style of MiC, (which they have done quite well in the filming and editing), but the episode has a comedy style to it.

Our conclusion? They were a wee bit embarrassed after putting it online and receiving the inevitable harsh reviews so they made a joke of it in the episode.

Good decision, if you’re going to misrepresent Jesmond students then at least make sure people know you aren’t being serious.