King’s ends its 24 hour library policy in controversial style
There was no communication
After a successful campaign to keep the libraries open 24/7, King’s have gone back on their promise and ended the policy with immediate effect.
There was reportedly no meeting or consultation between the university and KCLSU regarding the matter, which is sure to cause uproar within the university campuses.
KCLSU President Ben Hunt found out about the closure during student induction.
In response to this recent news, here is what KCLSU President Ben Hunt, VP of Education (Arts and Sciences) Mariya Hussain and VP of Education (Health) Jack Haywood had to say on the matter:
“KCLSU worked with library services last year to ensure we had a continued 24 hour, 7 days a week library service after the exam period, which we were told would happen. However students are being told in their inductions that this is not the case and instead it’s back to previous opening hours.
“We are really disappointed this has happened considering the time and effort put in by us to help make library services more accessible for students. This is a complete U-turn, and we want to urgently work with library services to establish why this has changed and get 24/7 libraries back on the agenda.”