Cambridge’s next Vice Chancellor: Our Top Ten
Defo Obama amirite?
The Vice Chancellor is the main administrative and academic officer of the University. We have no idea what this means but it sounds important.
In 2017, the prestigious role will become vacant, and so the Tab have rounded up our top ten picks (all of whom definitely stand a chance of being elected).
Vote at the end of the article for who you’d like to see as the next Vice Chancellor of Cambridge:
Stephen Fry
A former Footlight, a current Union favourite and one of the most famous Cantabs still alive (it’s hard to compete with Newton and Darwin), Stephen Fry is popular among students and would liven up otherwise boring ceremonies such as graduation.
Tom Hiddleston
While Hiddleston is best known for playing Loki and for being in the running to play James Bond, arguably his most impressive achievement was getting a double first in Classics at Pembroke. This kind of academic success would set him up perfectly for being Vice Chancellor, as would his skill at keeping his cool in the midst of crisis (let’s face it, the Night Manager was definitely an audition for this and not for any other role).
Arianna Huffington
Another famous alumna and successful businesswoman, Arianna Huffington has been winning over students everywhere with her new campaign to make more time for sleep (we could all use some – your author is currently reeling from the effects of Wednesday cindies…). Plus she is no stranger to sitting in thrones for mostly ceremonial offices that in reality wield very little arbitrary power :
Barack Obama
Long shot, we know (see, we aren’t delusional) but he will soon be out of a job and looking for a new one. He has no connection to Cambridge, it’s true, but he studied law at Cambridge-wannabe Harvard (they even named the town Cambridge) and we’re sure he would be excited at the upgrade from the White House to Senate House. Plus it would mean he doesn’t have to live in Trump’s America (#MakeCambridgeGreatAgain).
Stephen Hawking
He already lives in Cambridge, he’s pro-Remain and anti-Trump, he’s widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest minds of our time (if not all time) and he would follow the tradition of Cambridge academics holding the position of Vice Chancellor. A perfect fit, really.
Charlotte Ivers
As the Tab’s Number 1 BNOC, Chivers already has something the current Vice Chancellor lacks – name recognition. She’ll also be free to take on a job once her work with Conservatives In is finished and she is comfortable sitting in imposing chairs (as the Vice Chancellor has to at graduation). You’ve seen #Chivers4Tab and #Chivers4Prez, now get hyped for #Chivers4ViceChancellor
Boris Johnson
Also potentially out of a job once the EU referendum is over, BoJo has shown that he is good at appealing to students and at pulling attention-seeking stunts (something the current Vice Chancellor lacks). Plus there are fewer opportunities to give speeches as Vice Chancellor than as an MP, so we would all be better off really. We know he’s an Oxford grad, but he’s no stranger to U-turns.
Sir Richard Dearlove
The former head of MI6 may soon be seeking refuge from the results of the Chilcot Enquiry and Cambridge would be a perfect fit, having been founded as a refuge for those living outside of the law. His appointment would also follow the centuries-old tradition of the Vice Chancellor being the Master of a College (he retired as Master of Pembroke in 2015) and we all know that this University loves a good tradition.
Priscilla Mensah
With her bid for NUS VP of Higher Education proving unsuccessful, Comrade Priscilla is looking for a prestigious role in an unwieldy institution and this could be her best chance. Plus she would bring a large democratic mandate to the role, something all previous Vice Chancellors have lacked. And we all know how much she loves meetings and committees.
Taylor Swift
The longest shot on this list (which is saying something in and of itself), #TayloratTrinity is expanding its remit as a campaign to become #Taylor4ViceChancellor. Just imagine the concerts on Senate House lawn.
So there it is, the definitive list of candidates. Cast your votes below and have a say in picking your next Vice Chancellor, because the Tab should definitely have a role in this process.