Image may contain: Water, Sea Life, Mammal, Beluga Whale, Animal, Person, People, Human

The sun has come out and we’re after your best snaps of sunny Sussex

Sun’s out, guns out

The sun has come out and there's no better time to be in Brighton. Whether you're a sun baby or an edgy photographer, we want your pics of Sussex in the sunshine.

You’ve seen everyone else’s snaps, from their boomerangs of the waves to photos of their burn lines all over Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook. No doubt, you've also taken an abundance of them yourselves. We want to see them.

So go on, gather them together and send them to us for a chance to be featured in our ‘Best of Sussex in the sunshine’. We're looking forward to seeing your hot pics.

Submit them now by attaching them to a comment down below, or privately message them to us through The Tab Sussex Facebook page.

Go, play, sun-bathe and snap away!