Image may contain: Vase, Pottery, Potted Plant, Plant, Jar, Flora

Sussex’s Most Eligible Bachelor Nominee: Marcus

‘Preferably looking for a lady with daddy issues’

Hello to the lovely ladies out there, my name is Marcus but I also go by Protein Crunch or the Olive Casanova. I am initially from a small rural village named Lyminge, but I got bored, so I came to Sussex and became the Mayor of East Slope. I am a first year Economics and International Development student, so in a couple of years I will probably be saving the world.

Image may contain: Suit, Overcoat, Coat, Clothing, Person, People, Human

They told me to write a short paragraph, but let's be honest here, there's nothing short about me.

I love all sports, but prefer whichever one has the best girl:boy ratio, always keen for a mixed training session.

I'm open for all the ladies, not looking for a specific style or hair colour, I'll basically take anything as long as it doesn't scream third wave feminism. But it'd be nice if she's got a boyfriend to spice things up a little. Of course, daddy issues are very welcome as well.

If you wanna hang out, you'll always find me on the seafront at the Arch, because seeing the jaws hang like wizards sleeve is very amusing. While you'll be sipping on your black cherry VK, I'll be downing some whey protein and vanilla alpro soya milk, better than any alcoholic bev.

I'm strong like a rhino on Mandy, I even once deadlifted my nan from the dining table, so if you're looking for a hercules to lift you up physically and out you down emotionally, I'm the right one for you.

Image may contain: Smoke, Furniture, Couch, Person, People, Human

Favourite thing about yourself: Probably my eyes. Whenever I see them in the mirror I just get…so lost

Pet peeve: What the fuck is a pet peeve? But if it's about pets, I really disagree with the whole idea – animals are food not friends

Pineapple on pizza: Pineapple? Let me check the macros

Ideal date: Minecon

What's the most attractive quality a girl can possess: 3+ k/d ratio and daddy issues

Favourite sex position: Me on top, hands round her ankles yanking them up by her head. Ain't all about you petal

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