Do you know your Rife from a Fret? Take our Sussex dialect quiz

Sussex used to have its own dialect that was a mix of French, Scandinavian, and Anglo-Saxon.

Each county in Britain tends to have its own little adaptations of the English language. Whether it is the long-debated pronunciation of ‘bath’ ‘baff’ or skipping out the letter ‘T’ in most words, people can be easily identifiable from the way they speak.

To our surprise, however, Sussex for a while had its own dialect complete with different pronunciations, words, and pronouns (‘En’ meant man and ‘un’ meant it) which has unfortunately died out.

The Sussex dialect boasts about 30 different terms to describe mud. These include stug, slurry, stoach, and gawm.

We collected a few of these words and presented it to you, the beautiful public, to see if you could guess what these words mean.