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Revealed: The Notts courses dishing out the most firsts

Nobody got a first in Aerospace Engineering

Through new stats revealed from the University, The Nottingham Tab can reveal which courses gave out the most 1st class degrees to students graduating in the 2017/18 academic year.

The stats, obtained through a Freedom of Information request submitted by The Nottingham Tab, found that Engineering courses offered the most 1st class degrees to their cohort, while subjects like Law and Sociology gave out the least.

Out of the top 10 'easiest' courses available at Nottingham, five are engineering courses. Electrical, Environmental, Chemical, Mechanical, Civil Engineering all had first grade rates above 45 per cent; Aerospace Engineering did not give out any firsts last year.

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FAM – Finance Accounting and Management, IR – International Relations

Electrical Engineering, the 'easiest' course available at Nottingham, had 14 of the 19, a whopping 73.7 per cent of third year students who undertook the course achieved a first on their final report card.

Law, the fifth most popular undergraduate course with 198 students taking their final exam in 2017/18 academic year, ranked as the 'hardest' course at Nottingham, with only 11, a mere 5.6 per cent of all undergraduates achieving a first class.

The 'easiest' Bachelor of Arts at Nottingham is Music, with a third of the 54-strong-cohort last year getting a first. The 'hardest' was Sociology, where only 10 of 65 achieved their dreams, making their parents proud and justifying their £40k+ debt.

Nottingham's five-year Medicine course has too proven its taxing nature. Only 24 per cent of the universities junior doctors continued their academic career with a first.

Out of 6628 undergraduate students who took a course which awarded 1st class degrees, only a third were able to successfully achieve the highest grade.