The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
“Pickles was assumed a he, but has turned out to be a she”
Better get that Romeo and Juliet out
Offers will still be made to offers with actual grades
Students informed of decision by Chinese authorities
His housemate claimed he was “anxious about life after university”
The research will rely on involvement with the local Afro-Caribbean community of Nottingham
She’s raised £125 already!
He said ‘I don’t care about all you Jews’
‘I personally am scared’
Students feel ‘exploited and ridiculed’, say the SU
He was suspended in September pending investigation
This is not the first antisemitic attack she’s faced in Nottingham
The protest is against the suspended Labour MP’s allegations of Jew-baiting and antisemitism
Chris Williamson was suspended in February over claims of alleged antisemitism
His profile was posted on Twitter
They’ve only gone and done it!
Tenants could be forced to leave their property if found guilty of holding “anti-social” house parties
Dr. Kate Godfrey-Faussett is currently being investigated by her own professional body
You know, the meme from Call of Duty
English students were informed today of the student’s passing
The uni said they’d contact the page’s followers if the creator didn’t fess up
He’s embarking in November 2019 and raising money for charity helping servicemen
Women were 53 per cent less likely to get a bonus than men
They cost the taxpayer £35,000 each
He also wants to change the image of what the SU means for you
This role truly reflects the students’ voice
The uni have also suspended a lecturer amid the controversy
She said she ‘couldn’t give 2 shits’ about no confidence votes in her
The uni have said it’s not happening
The move is set to begin in September for the 2019/2020 academic year
Nobody got a first in Aerospace Engineering
This year, the highest earning VC pocketed £461k
No experience needed, training provided!
300 calories for the year’s most depressing Monday
Everyone has something to confess
They’ve promised to get them back in stock as soon as they can
She wants to ‘humanise people’s experiences’ over the Christmas break
They are set to resign immediately, with the position vacant for re-election
No more scraping together coppers for one more VK
It will launch of the 30th January
A woman was shot in the arm
Full of maltodextrin and misery
The company have been selling whipped cream chargers since July 2018
It will be hosted at Trade, the former quarters of The Market Bar
The store will cater to students
Malala has enjoyed enjoyed days of polo, charity events and Oxford ‘bops’
‘Rape jokes and rape culture have no place at UoN’
10,000 words on Cultural Appropriation
Drinks on her for the rest of the year
Racial incidents are on the rise in Nottingham
A copy-cat venture parallel to Oxford’s drinking socs
It placed higher than London, Oxford and Durham
Small room, big personalities
He was pronounced dead at the scene
It’s part of over £2 million they spent on the Portland Hill works
It is, by all means, a classic.
Right behind Cav and HuStu
The merge will set into effect in September 2018
She argued that male pregnancy infringes on ‘nature’s flourishing’
Harpenden is not ends, mate.
Over 150 members were present for the vote.
If you don’t believe me, stay at home
The investigation is still ongoing
He looks pretty legit tbh
It sends a custom email to your SU officer’s email
It took them seven hours and six people
Everyone’s a winner
Single ladies put ya hands up
A tier one night surprises no one
All the single ladies, all the single ladies
There’s always someone that can’t handle their drink
There’s a special place for everyone
If you’re in HuStu, you’re probably a royal.
‘Plenty more Baywatch left in the old girl yet’
Including pie charts, lists, and graphs
Everyone’s from NW11, be like them
Crisis. Rinse and repeat.
People just want a Crisis tix
A man was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder
Yes, you can nominate yourself
More information to follow
He purchased the fake card on Facebook
He is set to appear in court later this month
Local authorities are appealing for the victim’s help
Side note: it is not normal.