Image may contain: Text, Word, Clothing, Apparel, Human, Person

‘A den of sin but the sofas make it wholesome’: What King’s students really think of The Vault

Drinking there? Nah, we just like the sofas


Ever since its grand opening earlier this academic year, The Vault has garnered a lot of attention. Everyone has been asked at least once what what they really, really (not but really) think about it.

So we took matters into our own hands and walked around campus one freezing almost-winter morning asking the ever fated question: What do you really think about The Vault?

And we got answers. Some of them are funny. Others are brutal. All of them are true.

So, uhm, how would you describe club nights at The Vault?

Image may contain: Handwriting, Text, Human, Person

That's one way to see it!

Image may contain: Calligraphy, Finger, Handwriting, Human, Person, Text

Repent on your sins

Image may contain: Female, Face, Document, Human, Person, Text

Sports night can't be everyone's cup of tea…

Image may contain: Calligraphy, Finger, Handwriting, Human, Person, Text

Hear this, The Vault? Hire more of us pls

Image may contain: Finger, Jacket, Coat, Text, Apparel, Clothing, Human, Person

Ouch! Can't help but think it's fair tho

Any general opinions?

Image may contain: Handwriting, Finger, Sitting, Clothing, Apparel, Text, Human, Person

Yasss all hail the curly fries

Image may contain: Clothing, Apparel, Finger, Computer Hardware, Keyboard, Hardware, Computer Keyboard, Computer, Pc, Laptop, Electronics, Text, Person, Human

We know they're getting their money's worth out on the drinks (those sofas must have been expensive!)

Image may contain: Calligraphy, Finger, Chair, Furniture, Human, Person, Handwriting, Text

We just want more food!!!

Finally, we can conclude, with deeply heartfelt sentiment, that…

Image may contain: Clothing, Apparel, Text, Person, Human

Well said, sir