Worried about graduating as a nobody? Here’s a list of Cardiff’s most iconic alumni

There’s hope for us yet

At the end of uni, you might wonder where you will be and worse, what kind of job you will have to take on for the rest of your life.

Rest assured, there have been many successful graduates at Cardiff University, and many have gone on to become household names.

So if you feel like you might not achieve the stardom you had hoped for, at least you can boast you went to the same university as Huw Edwards.

Gwilym Lee – English Literature


The Bohemian Rhapsody actor has made a name for himself amongst other projects. Although he didn’t study drama here, the English Literature degree surely must have come in handy with reading all those plays and memorising quotes. Next time we walk into the JP cafe we’re going to imagine the raised section is a stage.

Miguel Alcubierre – Phd in numerical general relativity 

Here’s one for getting those getting a science or maths degree at Cardiff. Alcubierre is an established theoretical physicist, known for the ‘Alcubierre Drive’.

According to The Planetary Society it proposes ‘a theoretical means of traveling faster than light that does not violate the physical principle that nothing can locally travel faster than light’. In science terms, that’s a pretty big achievement.

Susannah Reid – Broadcast Journalism 

For all the budding journalists out there, Cardiff is known for having one of the best schools for media and communication studies, and Susanna Reid proves that it is a degree worth studying.

In an interview with Wales Online she said: “What Cardiff taught me – other than practical journalism skills, of course – was that it was a place where I could make mistakes; a safe place for me to make those mistakes and learn from them.”

She also had to work with Piers Morgan, which shows that the career obviously does come with some flaws.

Huw Edwards – French and Medieval French 

Cardiff’s own Welsh Legend, this best loved journalist and news presenter has become a TV  favourite. He studied French during his time in Cardiff and got a first, proving that the man can do anything, making him even more of a Welsh heartthrob.

We highly agree checking out his wholesome Instagram, if you weren’t a stan of Daddy Edwards before, you will be after.

Martin Lewis – Broadcast Journalism 

This money saving expert has been saving students all across Britain. With his informative and cost cutting solutions, he also has some helpful advice for students on how to survive rising prices and many more. Rest assured, he gets his whit and confidence from Cardiff as he admits from his blog:“It was one of the best years of my life, and I made many friends”. 

We are probably not all going to be like Lewis and save our money whilst at uni, but at least we can say we are spending the best years of our lives.

Cover images via Twitter: @MartinSLewis, @susannareid100 and @thehuwedwards 

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