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Feminist artist considering taking Brookes to court over cancelling her talk

Rachel Ara is considering taking legal action

Last week, feminist artist Rachel Ara's talk at Brookes was cancelled a few hours before it was due to start due to concerns that the artist was "transphobic."

Consequently, lawyers have approached Ara suggesting she take legal action on the basis of being denied her freedom speech.

In an interview for the Telegraph, Ara states she is "very much up" for taking legal action.

Ara also denies being transphobic, adding "I think this movement is misogynistic – they are only targeting women. I suspect they are straight men who are using the LGBTQ+ movements for their own needs."

On the evening of Tuesday 19th November, Ara arrived at Oxford Brookes to do a talk for the fine art students. Hours before, @terfsoutofart tweeted the uni with screenshots of Ara's discriminatory behaviour, urging Brookes to stop the event. Brookes' LGBTQ+ society then sent a letter to the pro-vice chancellor. The Fine Art department at Brookes promptly cancelled the talk.

Ara responded to the situation, saying: "I guess making art about feminist issues is a bit too challenging for today's youth!"

Brookes told The Telegraph they cancelled the event because "it had not been booked through the usual process for confirming external speakers".

Brookes said: "Oxford Brookes is an open environment where academic freedom and freedom of speech are fundamental to our functioning, including debate and the challenging of views. Within this context and our statutory duties, visiting speakers are offered the same freedom of speech within the law as staff and students."

Featured image via @rachelara