Listen up lads: These are Brookes students’ biggest icks
Mullets are of course at the top
With another year starting at Brookes, it can only mean one thing, more icks. Brookes students are renowned for schoffels, mullets and “daddy’s money”. But there are some other things that really make Brookes students cringe.
We asked you to tell us your biggest icks and boy, you did not hold back. Here are Brookes student biggest icks:
Boys on vois
It goes without saying that a boy on a Voi is a major ick – not forgetting the girls as well you are still an ick. There is nothing worse than seeing a guy (even worse if you know them) on a voi going to uni or to town. The posture they use to stand on vois is cringeworthy enough let alone using the bell on them. Boys, save yourself and start walking.
It has become a common thing for students to take vapes with them on nights out. Standing outside in the smoker’s area just to puff on an electric nicotine bar. Spending around £6 per disposable vape is a bit extortionate but with daddy’s money there’s nothing to worry about. All jokes aside please vape responsibly.
Not going to Fishies
Enough said.
Filming yourself doing shots/chopping a pint
Every sports group chat loves it, sending in a video and tagging each other to down drinks. The awkwardness of setting up the camera and then having to down your drink, even worse in a public space and if it’s a slow chop. Girls you are just as bad filming yourself doing shots – extra ick points if you do a boomerang. Just chop the drink and move on.
Running after a ping pong ball
The night is young, the drinks are flowing and you decide to get a game of beer pong going and it’s all going well until someone pelts the ball to the other side of the room and you go after it, scooting along the floor, and looking under tables for it. Never chase after the ball, let someone closer do it and if no one goes after it – guess it’s game over.
Using a passport as ID
Everyone who uses their passport either can’t be bothered to order a provisional license or have lost it so many times that they don’t want to spend more money getting another one. Get a secure phone case and it’s that easy, plus you are more likely to lose your passport! Bite the bullet and buy a provisional it’s so much easier and less embarrassing (however having a provisional is still embarrassing…).
If you have anymore icks you want us to include in a second part DM us on instagram @tabbrookes we want to know what you think!