Here are all the best signs from the Greta Thunberg Bristol rally

Over 30,000 people gathered on College Green

30,000 children and adults gathered on College Green today to hear Greta Thunberg speak, and to participate in the Bristol Youth Strike 4 Climate march.

The Bristol Tab went along to find the best signs of the day, so here are some of our favourites. Check out The Bristol Tab’s Instagram for more coverage.

Protesters showed that you can never be too young. Molly, aged six, held a sign that said: “No one is too small to make a difference!”

Molly, aged 6

Emily and Evie

Some of our favourite signs took a political stance.

Protesters mocked the environmental policies of politicians

Otto (11) and Ivo (6): “Fossil Fools”

Melissa and Kyle Powers held signs that said: “Do it for David”, and “Let’s drop acid…levels in the ocean”.

Melissa and Kyle Powers

This one hit hard…

The truth hurts

But not as hard as this one:

“No one likes warm beer”

And finally, some were less child-friendly than others. Powerful stuff…