Election results: LIVE BLOG

It’s results night! Follow our live blog to watch our future Labour Prime Minister take their first step on the ladder.

You’ve been casting your votes all week amid a not-so-bloodthirsty battle of election campaigns.  Tonight the future of the University will be decided as the results are released in an event that’s more like Bristol’s answer to the Oscars.  We’ll keep you updated with all the victory speeches, losing tantrums and awkward puns here on our live blog.

19:00: We’ve got less than an hour till the big night begins here in the Anson Rooms.  While you’re waiting, join us in reminiscing about the Union’s highlights this year.

Some of the committee’s moments of glory this year:

VP hottie Tom Flynn got chucked out of a hotel while on Union business… and was forced to sleep on the London Underground.

Ellie Williams attacked students for their ethnic background and social class after the committee’s motion was democratically rejected.

Then they blamed the stress of their paid jobs for it after an enormous backlash following The Tab’s exposé.

Rob Griffiths decided to write a diary for the biggest student paper in Bristol.


During elections week, The Tab brought you:

Stephen Fry endorsed Imo Palmer’s campaign video.  And it was by far the best of the lot.

The NUS seized control of the UBU – and our committee let them.

Rob updated his diary.

And meanwhile he ‘fessed up to loving “the power and the lifestyle” of presidency in a bizarre online rant, while the Union’s selfie campaigned flopped.

Lots more to come, stay tuned!

UPDATE 19:20: Tab Bristol exit polls indicate these are next year’s Union representatives (we got them all right last year!).

Academic Experience – Alex Bradbook (58%)

Equality – Alice Phillips (58%)
Postgraduate – Sorana Vieru (63%)
Sport – Alyx Murray-Jackman (37%).
Student Living – Tom Phipps (45%)
Union Affairs – Imogen Palmer (33%). 

It’s going to be a very close call with only three of the candidates in a majority.

Meanwhile, UBU’s put up fancy formal round tables with floral centre pieces – this is going to be a very glamourous night!


UPDATE 19:50:

20 minutes late and we’re still waiting to start.  We suspect Rob just wants to hold on as long as possible.  They’re playing Hey Ya by OutKast to tide us over!

UPDATE 20:00:

Still waiting.  Alice Phillips, running for Equality, says: “It looks set to be a great night.  I wish everyone luck!”

Alice Phillips, running for Equality, is concerned about looking too blue

UPDATE: 20:05:

It’s Alice In Wonderland!  (And yes we’re STILL waiting.  Old committee have clearly gotten attached.)

Odd theme going on here…

UPDATE 20:10:

Presenter Adam Witty (fitting name) says he has no idea who he is and is scared of wetting his pants.  Now that’s more Alice In Wonderland!

UPDATE 20:12:

Adam celebrates that we’ve got “more poor people!”

UPDATE 20:15:

Adam asks Ellie if she’s closed her twitter account.  And celebrates the last year of Bristol: UWE porno, Will Pope and “The Tab happened!”  (he grins)

UPDATE 20:17:

Video: Rob gives our host Adam a tour of the Union.  He’s been trying to “sow the seed” with his power.
Tom says: “Go away Rob, I have actual work to do.”
Alessandra punches him.
Rob calls Ellie a “sycophant.”
Now they’re in a lift, just Rob and Alex.  You could cut the sexual tension with a knife in there.
Rob starts singing.  Alex looks quite awkward… and a bit excited.

UPDATE 20:20:

Rob Griffiths calls himself “El Presidente”

In ‘five minutes’ (what UBU calls an hour) we’ll hear the part-time officer results.  Right now there’s a rather boring former president telling us we’re all “born leaders.”

UPDATE 20:25:

Actually looks like we’re going to hear some results now.  No – wait – more “thanks for making democracy happen.”

UPDATE: 20:29:

First winners announced for the part-time roles!

Shruti Sayinedi – Sustainability Officer
Georgina Winney – LGBT+ officer.
Nick Black – Disabled Students
Priyanshi Srivastava – Mature and part-time
Chair of Student Council: Alex Rees wins by a majority of about 100 votes
Women’s officer: Megan Armstrong with 420 votes

UPDATE 20:35

Adam reveals that they had to practice saying the winners’ names before revealing the results.  And they still got them wrong.

Meet your new part-time officers!

UPDATE 20:40

Your new Senate Reps have been announced!

Postgrad research: Gilberto Algar-Faria and James Taylor both elected.
Undergrad for Medicine & Dentristy: Sahar Hassan with 110 votes
Science: Nico Burns with 253 votes
Medical & Vet sciences: Genevieve Simpson wins by a majority of only 10 votes
Engineering: Jack Sharpe, 179 votes
Social Sciences & Law: Jennifer Mak wins by a majority of only 9 votes
Arts: Max Austin

Meet your new Senate Reps 2014-15!

UPDATE 20:52:

Hotel terror Tom Flynn has no faith in our exit poll.  He’s particularly unsure about Union Affairs and Student Living.  Who do you think should win?  Tell us in the comments below!

UPDATE 21:00:

We’re waiting for the full-time officer results now.  Alex Bradbrook, running for Academic Experience, is particularly nervous even though our exit poll put him clearly in the lead (scroll up!)  He says: “May the best man win!”

“May the best man win!”

UPDATE 21:05:

Ominous lull in the music.  Something might actually be happening…

UPDATE 21:06:

False alarm.  El Presidente was just tampering with the playlist.  He’s on edge tonight.

Meanwhile, Tom Flynn says: “I have nothing to say about my future successor, whoever they are.  I’ll try to think of something witty, but it might take a while.”

UPDATE 21:12:

Griffinho refuses to have his picture taken.  Yep, he’s hiding under the table.  Or maybe that was just a few drinks too many…?

UPDATE 21:18:

Hannah Pollak, current VP Sport: “I think there’s a clear winner for Sport… oh shit I shouldn’t say that!”

UPDATE 21:19:

Adam Witty, tonight’s host: “I’ve been keeping a low profile, trying not to let it get out that I’m hosting the results tonight.  I was really afraid of a Tab exposé!  Something like, “The Union’s done it again!  UBU elects a white cis male.”

UPDATE 21:23:

Hannah Pollak’s begging us to say something nice about her.  Ok – Hannah Pollak, you’re hotter than Tom.

UPDATE 21:30:

Full time officers are about to be announced!

UPDATE 21:31:


Tom Phipps wins with 932 votes!

Candidates: Eimar Diamond (684 votes), Aarthi Srinivasan, Tom Phipps (932), Megan Golding (342)

UPDATE 21:33:


Alice Phillips wins with 796 votes to Naomi McKay’s 731.
Alice thanks her boyfriend Chris and promises to “make us proud.”

The Tab called the first two results last night!

UPDATE 21:37


Sorana Vieru wins with more than 60% of the vote.

She says: “I feel this is a conspiracy by the Philosophy department to get rid of me for a year!”

We called that result last night too!

UPDATE 21:38:


Alyx Murray Jackman wins, confirming last night’s exit poll prediction by The Tab.

She’s tearing up as she says: “Thank you so much for voting for me, I’m so shocked!”

UPDATE 21:40:


Jo Woods wins with 858 votes to Imo Palmer’s 744.

This went to a brutal six stages, with Neda and Florence out first, soon followed by Pouyan.

Imo also gets knocked out despite Stephen Fry’s support and the viral Love Actually video.

Jo says: “Lots of long-winded thank-yous!”

UPDATE 21:43:


Alex Bradbrook wins with more than double his closest competitor, beating out Alice (200 votes), Isla (244) and Sophie (535).  Yup, The Tab predicted that last night too!

Alex says: “I’m going to have massive shoes to fill!”

Your New Full-Time Officers! (L-R: Alex Bradbrook, Jo Woods, Alice Phillips, Sorana Vieru, Alyx Murray-Jackman, Tom Phipps)

UPDATE 21:52:

The Tab’s Exit Poll last night predicted five of the six full-time winners!  All six of next year’s officers are newly elected.  Come back tomorrow for a full report on the night.