I really miss Gatecrasher
The club we loved to hate
Last month the news broke that, after a series of violent incidents, Broad Street has said bye-bye to Gatecrasher for good.
Some were relieved, some applauded. I, somewhat surprisingly, was a little devastated. With Risa and now Gatecrasher packing up their bags, the face of clubbing on Broad Street is changing, and maybe it’s just nostalgia talking, but I don’t feel it’s for the best.
Broad Street without Gatecrasher is nothing, and here are the reasons why you shouldn’t be celebrating its closure just yet.
Haters Gonna Hate
“Oh, I’ve only been to Gatecrasher once when I was a fresher”.
How many times have you used that line? Countless times. Freshers soon learn that it isn’t cool to like Gatecrasher and so you pretend to hate it to fit in. That’s what university’s about right, pretending to be something totally different to fit in with people you don’t know? Then you have to fake the hate for the next three years which is crap because you’re bored of pretending that Fab is the best night out ever.
We’ve all had those top secret confessional conversations with that one mate who also admits that they actually really like GC, and it makes you feel less guilty about harbouring your dirty secret desire to Get On It on a Thursday.
If you say that you genuinely hate Gatecrasher, then you’re lying. You only hate it because it’s cool to hate whatever’s big and popular.
Let’s face it, most of this crap isn’t their fault
Gatecrasher has been criticised for the violence which surrounded it, but it’s not entirely fair to blame the club itself.
Last year, the mass brawl that broke out was deemed to be not GC’s fault, and clearly the recent issue lies with the security staff who decided it was a bloody great idea to make man-made weapons and attack trouble makers – not our beloved GC.
It’s not like Gatecrasher decided to incite loads of violence, whereas Risa has definitely made some questionable decisions before…
Like I said, technically not their fault.
It was actually kind of good.
There’s a room for everyone in Gatecrasher, so whether you like cheesy pop or fancy some RnB, there’s bound to be a room with a tune for you. Plus it’s so massive and maze-like that you can easily ditch that annoying housemate of yours who loves house music somewhere near the house room and totally get away with it, as long as you send the obligatory “where are you?” text.
Plus, there was never any trouble getting served because Gatecrasher has a shittone of bars. And when the main bars were full? See the above paragraph – there was always another room you could get served in. £2.50 for a double vodka mixer? Don’t mind if I do.
Plus sometimes they did that cool thing with the smoke machines. Fab doesn’t have that.
All in all, Gatecrasher was never as bad as any of us remember from the “one time” we went in first year. It was actually pretty good and I for one am really going to miss it.