Lancaster BNOC 2022: Heat four
Here are your last lot of BNOC contenders
We had so many nominations for Lancs BNOC this year, but there can only be one winner who takes the crown. This is the last heat full of contenders for you to choose from so get voting in the form at the end of the article. It’s time for the last heat of this years BNOC competition. Voting ends on Friday 10th June!
Here are your last lot of BNOCS:
Peter ‘Daddy Bowland’ Moyes, fourth year, Bowland, Political Ecology
“Daddy Bowland speaks for himself”. Simply, Peter is known for being the “Daddy” of Bowland and is a big name around campus.
He would like to thank one of his Bowland “children” for his nomination and he wrote a short poem: “Roses are red, I’m not a BNOC, Jasper Kirton has a massive đ”. Legendary.
If Peter is your definition of a BNOC, vote for him below!
Elliot Partridge, “Graduate but Bowland till I die”, International Relations
Elliot is called “a myth and a legend”, and he knows everyone that there is to know on campus – people from all different years, degrees and societies. He “meets one person and makes him their best mate for life”. He is close personal friends with everyone and is described as “inescapable”. Apparently, he posted an exclusive look at a theatre show he’s not involved in because he knows the marketing guy”. In short – Elliot literally knows everyone and everyone loves him.
“Somehow my nomination is the nicest thing anyones ever said about me, even though they describe me as inescapable. I passionately hate the term BNOC and when people call me it I tell them to shut up – I’ve just been here for five years and that’s not a good thing. But if it’s true that I meet one person and make them my best friend then I feel like I’ve been a good contribution to Lancs’ existence and maybe I should win”. Humble af.
If Elliot is your BNOC, let us know down below!
Laura Eisenhower, third year, Pendle, Geography
Laura is well known for being active in many sports and societies around campus – Ultimate Frisbee, American Football, Netball and Dance to name a few. She is current exec for Netball and was exec for Dance over her 3 years at Lancs which is pretty impressive. She’s also known for getting “walloped” in American Football and having a bruised, purple leg for a term or two.
When asked about her nomination, she just said “I don’t know why I’m here”, despite her extensive society presence.
If Laura is your biggest BNOC, vote for her below.
Tayin Douglas, second year, Chemical Engineering
Tayin is very well known around campus, with somehow everyone knowing him. According to his nomination, they have never met someone so social. The Tinky-Winky costume is legendary honestly.
He told us that he doesn’t really think that he’s a BNOC but that he might as well go for the win.
If you think Tayin deserves the BNOC crown, vote for him below.
Jasmine Hurley, third year, County, History
Jasmine is well known across campus and has been involved with so much since being at university. She can’t walk through campus without recognising someone – they counted once and her record is an amazing 24 in one afternoon. She just knows everyone and she’s been called a BNOC all year so people wanted to make it official.
She told us that her friends have been calling her a BNOC this year (and her manager even joined in). “I’m just quite involved at uni – I work on campus and at Sugar and I’m quite active in societies”. She was honoured to be nominated, even though she told her friends not to nominate her.
If Jasmine is your Lancs BNOC, vote for her below!
Niall Armstrong, first year, Fylde, Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology
He was nominated simply for his name being “Niall Armstrong” – pronounced Neil like the American astronaut (quite funny considering he studies Astrophysics).
When asked about his nomination, he said he doesn’t believe he is a BNOC but he is goated due to his name being Niall Armstrong.
If Niall gets your vote, let us know!
Michael Kezaala, third year, Cartmel, Computer Science
Michael is best known for going to Sugar dressed as Billy from Saw, for literally no reason at all. This was paired with the quote “Nobody cared who I was before I put on the mask” which is pretty legendary.
He told us that he got nominated out of the blue and had no idea what to do with this info. He said “I guess I might be a BNOC for my idiocy alone.” He then finished saying he thinks he deserves to win because he would sacrifice his soul to commit to a joke.
If Michael (and his Saw persona) deserves the BNOC title, vote for him below!