JCRs condemn LUSU’s response to RON disqualification
Union provided students with ‘limited amount of clarity’
JCRs have released statements condemning the response of Lancaster University Students’ Union following their response to student outrage after votes to reopen nominations (RON) were disqualified in the recent by-election.
Many of the colleges had released initial responses to LUSU disqualifying votes to RON, and since the Students’ Union announced the release of an FAQs page to address the disqualification there have been calls on LUSU to release the full voting statistics, after it withheld how many transferable votes were cast for RON.
Pendle College’s JCR are the latest to condemn the response of LUSU, with the release of this statement:
Grizedale College was first to condemn LUSU for their disqualification of votes to RON in the by-election, and were also first to express their disappointment with the Students’ Union after their response to the student outrage:
Lonsdale College also called out the response of Lancaster University Students’ Union, citing it as having acted in an “undemocratic” way, and its response “undermines the student voice.” The statement can be found below:
County College threatened to disaffiliate from LUSU as a result of its actions taken over the by-election, and Grizedale announced willingness to withdraw its participation in Freshers’ Week 2020.