The eleven types of people you meet at King’s

Strand, Waterloo, Guy’s or Denmark Hill (ok, maybe not), these are the eleven types of people you will definitely encounter during your time at King’s


King’s is a diverse, international university full of many different, interesting people. However, most of the thousands of people you’re surrounded by can be boiled down into a handful of categories.

Sure, this list is chock full of stereotypes, but you’ll probably come across most of these students during your time at King’s.

1. The Wolf of Wall Street

Never without a blazer

Just interning in the city

His deal: He studies business, wears suits to lectures, and is always looking for something to invest in.

What he’s doing: Marketing the newest product and climbing the career ladder

Location: Waterloo Campus or working an internship in the City

2.The rugby guy

His deal: You’ll find him amongst a swarm of blue shirts, red ties, and sizeable egos, and he’ll probably have a black eye or a broken nose.

What he’s doing: Shouting caveman nonsense, drinking obscene amounts, and vomiting obscene amounts. What he’s not doing? Asking you to be in a serious relationship.

Location: Walkabout or a stranger’s bed

3. The Hipster

So many edges

Their deal: They probably study Philosophy or English, dye their hair as often as you do your laundry, and drone on about Nietzsche and Kerouac.  Just don’t ever actually call them a hipster.

What they’re doing: Rolling their own cigarettes, taking photos from weird angles, and pretending that they’re Morrissey.

Location: Strand campus or that underground bar you’ve never heard of

4.The Activist

Their deal: This kid studies politics and is on some committee… or board… or panel, standing up against social injustice.

What they’re doing: Spamming your newsfeed with petitions.

Location: Outside the Strand Campus, holding sloppily made protest signs

5.The Elusive Flatmate

The only sign they live here

Their deal: You’re not really sure-you’ve only seem them twice during your 38 week contract. Sometimes you doubt their very existence until you see a bowl in the sink or a light glowing from inside their room.

What they’re doing: Hiding from you?

Location: Who knows? 

 6. Does she even go here?

Her deal: This person has distanced themselves from student life as much as possible. She skips most of her classes, has never checked out a book from the library, and she doesn’t even know where Waterfront is.

What she’s doing: Either going back home or jetting off to exotic locales

Location: Home, Venice, the Bahamas…

7. The Promoter

Snapback compulsory

Their deal: You barely know this person but they’re constantly inviting you to some party in ‘London’s hottest club’. They’re kind of like leeches but they give out free drinks.

What they’re doing: Mixing you a vodka cranberry on a plush VIP sofa.

Location: Mayfair

8. The Person Who Always Talks in Seminars

And they’ve done every single inch of the reading too

But everyone one around them is doing this

Their deal: It’s always a bittersweet relationship with this person. You hate them for knowing everything but you thank God that they fill every deadly silence.

What they’re doing: Talking in seminars. Who knows what they do outside of that? Probably prepare for seminars (I know, weird).

Location: Waiting outside a classroom door, five minutes early to a seminar.

9. The French Guy

Oui oui

His deal: He hates anything that isn’t French and refuses to talk to anyone that doesn’t speak his language.

What he’s doing: Complaining about England, taking the Eurostar, and bringing groceries back from France.

Location: Strand campus or probably back in Paris by now

10. The Drop Out

It all gets too much

Their deal: They stopped going to class in November, and before you know it they’ve boxed up their things and moved out. ‘School just isn’t for me’ is their catchphrase.

What they’re doing: This could go either way. They’re either flipping burgers or pulling a Zuckerberg and creating a tech start-up.

Location: Their parents’ couch or Palo Alto, California.

11. The Study Abroad Student


Wow the tube!

Their deal: They’re American and only here for six months so you bet they’re going to go crazy (yay legal drinking!) You can spot them in a crowd, wearing a basketball jersey with a camera around their neck.

What they’re doing: Everything touristy and cooing over the ‘hot’ British accents

Location: Big Ben, the London Eye, the Shard