If you don’t go to Winter Wonderland you’re dead inside

Do you know it’s christmas time at all?

It’s the most wonderful time of year which means Christmas jumpers, mulled wine and the reopening of Winter Wonderland. Oh yes, that bad boy is bringing that much-needed Christmas cheer to your walk along Park Place. But if you’re one of those Grinch’s that try to tell me ‘Winter Wonderland is such a waste of time and money’ then I’m sorry to be the ghost of Christmas future and inform you that YOU ARE DEAD INSIDE!

Image may contain: Person, Parade, Human, Crowd

It's just beautiful

Do you just hate this magical time of year? Did you get a lump of coal in your stocking? Did your mom forget the pigs in blankets for the Christmas dinner? Because my brain can’t comprehend why you hate joy and happiness so much. Winter Wonderland is a rite of passage for any Cardiff student to make you forget about all of the horrible assignments you have due right now… But why think about that when you can go on a massive wheel and be lifted high above the ground where your problems can’t reach you! Escaping your anxieties is just a bonus of seeing the view of the city lit up like a Christmas tree. And if that doesn’t make you feel warm and fuzzy inside then you’re a monster.

Image may contain: Constriction Crane, Person, Parade, Human, Crowd, Carnival, Leisure Activities, Ferris Wheel, Amusement Park

Admire the big wheel in all of its glory

I defy ANYONE to dislike ice skating. Is there an activity more fun than watching your friends fall on their arse and have it class as cardio? I don’t think so. Nothing makes your feel more festive than being surrounded by ice whilst singing along to Michael Bublé’s rendition of classic Christmas tunes. But where can we create these lifelong memories with friends and loved ones I hear you ask. That’s right – WINTER WONDERLAND!

Tell me something more fun…I'm waiting

‘Oh, but it’s too cold to go ice skating.’ Well naysayers they’ve got you covered there too. After showing off your skating skills (no I didn’t bring my own skates that was some other pretentious yet talent individual…) why not grab a cup of the most seasonal drink ever to grace our taste buds. I’m of course talking about the sweet nectar that is mulled wine. Carry on listening to Fairytale of New York, whilst letting that deliciously spiced wine heat up your soul. Pure bliss.

Food for the heart

There is no reason to hate the classic Cardiff icon that is Winter Wonderland unless you are a hollow shell of a human being. Get yourself down to the little piece of the North Pole sitting right on your doorstep and get in the spirit of Christmas! After all, ‘Tis the season.