Cardiff students’ union is in the top five in the UK

If the bees are happy, you’re happy

According to the National Student Survey, students at Cardiff are the fourth most satisfied with their SU in the UK.

87 per cent of you voted that you were happy with the services provided by your students’ union, putting Cardiff in fourth place, just behind Loughborough, who got a score of 90 per cent. The average was only 70 per cent satisfaction, so you guys are obviously pretty happy with the way the SU is run.

Taking the top spot is Sheffield with 96 per cent and trailing behind, pretty upset with their SU is Oxford, where only 34 per cent of people claimed to be content with their students’ union.

With the development of the ground floor of the union earlier this summer, you’re all pretty chuffed.

As long as you can pop to Magic Wrap for lunch and your union is bee friendly, what is there to be unsatisfied about?