Bicycle Philosophy

LEAF ARBUTHNOT finds food for thought in Bike City.

As I bike around Cambridge, I like to add pensive driplets to my slowly coagulating Bicycle Philosophy. 

This comprises an ensemble of high-minded life musings that come to me as I observe my fellow cyclists. Including, “Promptitude does not always compensate for guilt” – even if you save time by zooming past a red light, the waft of hatred you will feel inflating your lapels will probably negate the satisfactions of arriving early. And, “Rules apply to all, always, but only seldom to me” – deduced when I realised that I angered at cyclists disobeying the one-way system, yet broke it myself. Or the equation “Large basket = large heart”, and its saucy cousin, “Aggro rider = aggro rider,” both of which are time-saving and noggin-nourishing.

While we’re on the subject of bikes, here are some fly ones I’ve spotted in recent days. You are my Arizonas.

Many, many children could be put in those baskets.

Full of pep


Scarlet woman

Pink panther

And finally, dear T-Pain when he was locked up outside Costa.

The crooks