The Tab’s St. Patrick’s Day Limerick Competition
Thursday is St. Patrick’s day and that means celebrating all things Irish. One of those is limericks, the duttier the better…
Why should pancake day get all the not-quite-a-holiday attention? Sure the state of Ireland is looking as fragile and deflated as a kitchen floor pancake, but it’s at least historically significant enough to merit a limerick competition to warm you all up for Thursday’s quasi-festivities.
That is, until The Tab’s Annual Limerick Competition becomes an event in its own right.
So, like all the most fun annual events, here are the rules ladies and gents:
Comment with your best Tab or Cantab-related limericks, and at 11.59pm on St. Patrick’s Day, the highest-rated entries will be awarded the honour of being republished in text the next day! Just as if they were on a level with these words right here.
The winning entry will also receive a coveted Tab t-shirt.
So there you have it, get commenting below, and for those of you who don’t know exactly what a limerick looks like, here’s a wonderful template one to get the ball rolling:
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