
Image may contain: Person, People, Human

Things that prelimmers never say

‘Prelim life is the best life’

How to make the most of May Balls

Get ready for absolute MAYhem

May Balls: Overpriced fun since 1866

TERESA BARON on why May Balls are overrated.

Chill Out, Charlie

JAMES COUNSELL takes on Charlie Bell and his imaginary Trots.

We Demand the Right to Party

Cärlchen Jupp attacks CUSU’s decision not to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

Theatre Guide Dog: Week 6

THE THEATRE GUIDE DOG prophesies theatre to come. And is having suspicious food cravings. WHAT COULD THIS MEAN?

The Tab’s St. Patrick’s Day Limerick Competition

Thursday is St. Patrick’s day and that means celebrating all things Irish. One of those is limericks, the duttier the better…