A VK club night is actually coming to Bournemouth and no, this time I’m not lying

There won’t be exclusive flavours, that’s still a lie

For one night only, VK have teamed up with our good old faves at Cameo for a Cameo Wednesday like no other.

Yes, Bournemouth has been chosen as one of the locations for VK to bring their Nocturnal club tour.

In April, we told you about a VK club coming to Bournemouth and rightly so, everyone went absolutely wild for it. That was all a big fat April Fool, but now it looks like our prayers have been answered – even if it did take six months.

On October 11th – that's this Wednesday omg – the tour hits Bournemouth and will see Cameo glittered with giveaways, stage props, UV lights, and other glow in the dark goodies, all provided by VK.

Just when you thought the biggest student night in the country couldn't get any better they go and give it a VK makeover. Magical.

Cameo are yet to confirm if there will be any cheeky VK offers on the night – but watch this space.

For more information and tickets, check the event Facebook page.