Byron accommodation’s roof has a huge hole in it

Rent costs £6,500 a year

Only two years after being built, Nottingham Trent’s most expensive student accommodation has a large hole in its roof.

Costing over 60 million pounds to build in 2013, this is just one of its many failures so far – one being many students have had to live across the road in part time accommodation due to their flats being flooded.

The 559-room residence costs £6,440.28 per year for a single en suite, or £6,674.36 for a double.

These disgruntled NTU students could soon be dealing with a few more than just a few raindrops falling on their heads.

Although it is unclear what has happened to the roof in the shown picture, the residents of Byron can’t be too pleased with their £146-a-week accommodation falling to pieces.

A spokesman for the Byron residence said that the roof is “under repair at the moment” but that the work is delayed. He was unsure as to when the repair will be completed.

Ollie Watts, first year, said: “at least the roof isn’t falling down as fast as my future prospects.”