Here’re Sussex’s best dissertation hand-in pics

Nothing says ‘I’m in a horrendous amount of debt’ quite like a cute pic with the Sussex sign

As another year at Sussex draws to a close, we bid farewell to those of us lucky enough to finally be free from the shackles of higher education.

Months of blood sweat, tears and all-nighters culminate in one single event… a cute picture of you holding what has undoubtedly become the bane of your existence.

To all the third year icons who are celebrating their dissertation hand-in today, we congratulate you and present some of our favourite pictures of the big day!

The 'oh crap its due today?! rush to the hand-in desk'

The 'I'm so done, get this thing out of my life and let me graduate'

Image may contain: Paper, Advertisement, Coat, Jacket, Apparel, Clothing, Human, Person, Door

The classic 'gram with Sussex's eponymous concrete monstrosity

The 'spice girls eat your heart out' gal group

The Squad goals pic

The 'pose in front of the building that I've spent far too much of my life inside'

The well DISS-erved drinks

(yes, I did steal that pun from the girl group's insta caption… @ me)