Image may contain: Tour Bus, Human, Person, Vehicle, Transportation, Bus

There’s a campaign to get free buses to Sussex Uni

You can sign the petition

A petition has been launched which aims to get a free bus service to Sussex University, combatting the pricey travel costs which hit most students.

Currently, those who commute to campus via bus find themselves paying around £15 per week to use bus services, on top of other educational and living expenses. Additionally, 2019 has seen an increase in fares, despite the already high living costs of Brighton and Hove.

As the petition points out, Brighton University students already have access to a free bus service, and Sussex students feel that they should also benefit from such a service.

The campaign aims to achieve a free bus service, run by Sussex University, in order to take some financial strain off its students. So far, the petition has been signed over 1,500 times.

You can sign the petition here.