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REVEALED: Marco Tsang is Sussex’s BNOC of the year

The results are in, the people have spoken

Sussex, we called upon you to vote for your BNOC of 2018, and you certainly did not disappoint. After a series of highly competitive rounds and popularity contests galore, we finally have a winner.

Marco Tsang is the The Tab Sussex’s BNOC of 2018.

This year’s competition has been tough and nothing short of simply iconic. The people have spoken and your official BNOC of the year can finally wallow in all the glory and recognition they deserve.

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It only seems right that Sussex’s very own campus celebrity and East Slope’s famous face wins the crown as Marco, a second year Finance student, shot straight to victory claiming over 60 per cent of the final votes.

We caught up with Marco as he received the news and asked him how it felt to be crowned the prestigious title. He said: “I feel so excited to win BNOC of 2018. I’m really missing East Slope bar, but our memories of it will stay in my heart forever.

"I’m off to Shanghai this year for my year abroad but then the Sussex BNOC is coming home!”

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Of course Marco also took the time to thank the people of Sussex who voted for him, saying: “Thank you very much to all my friends who voted for me, I feel so very excited to win this title of BNOC of 2018!”

Congratulations again to our well deserved BNOC, Marco and of course to all the nominees. Not to mention a thank you to everybody who voted making Sussex’s BNOC 2018 such a great success.