Image may contain: Lawn, Field, Vase, Pottery, Potted Plant, Jar, Poster, Collage, Sitting, Tree, Plant, Flora, Person, People, Human

These are Sussex’s best dissertation hand in pics 2018

Did you make the cut?

It's that time of year again. Deadlines have been met and dissertations have been handed in, sadly marking the end of the Sussex University journey for many.

What this also means is that dissertation hand-in pics are flooding our insta feeds, and, in Sussex's true creative style, you guys absolutely nailed it.

So we thought, why not compile some of the best, weirdest, and most impressive hand-in pics we could find.

Taylor is that you?

An insta queen ready to take over the world

Giving us all the feels *sobs*

No hand in is complete without a classic pic on the sign

What better way to celebrate a diss hand-in than with donuts

This girl is over the moon

The standard 'end of uni' photo–

All the hard work DOES pay off

"It's an e-submission but obvs needed and insta picture"

Girl squad and sunset at the ready

A huge congratulations to everyone who has submitted their dissertations, you've certainly done yourselves and UOS proud!

It's a great big world out there, go out and smash it. Good luck!